Notice of Committee Vacancies


The Township of Horton is soliciting applications for up to two (2) Public Advisory positions on the Transportation & Environmental Services committee.

Each position will be held until the end of the Council term (2026).  Serious consideration will be given to applicants with previous involvement/experience in matters related to the specific Committee’s function.  You must be a property owner, resident, or tenant of the Township of Horton to apply.

The role of the Public Advisory Member is to provide input on Committees in an advisory capacity.  Interviews will be held following review of the applications. 

Please submit your application/letter of interest and answer the following questions:

  1. Why are you interested in becoming an advisory member?
  2. What skill sets do you bring to this committee which makes you the best candidate?
  3. How will your input benefit the taxpayers of Horton Township?


Please submit applications to:

Hope Dillabough


2253 Johnston Road,

Renfrew, ON   K7V 3Z8