Minor Variance Process

The following provides the general process for Minor Variance applications, however, each application is different and therefore further information may be required prior to acceptance When applying for a Minor Variance please note that the application form outlines the information that is required under the Planning Act. The Township requires that all pertinent information be submitted in order to be deemed a complete application, the omission of information will delay the processing of your application. The Registered Owner of the property must sign the application. The Committee of Adjustment consists of three people who have been appointed by Council. The Committee consults with public bodies which have responsibilities for matters that may be affected by a minor variance. Some of these bodies may include the local planning municipality, public health unit, County of Renfrew and Trans Canada Pipeline etc. A detailed to scale sketch of the subject lands is required and is to include the following information (inaccurate and/or incomplete sketches will not be accepted):

  • Name of owner
  • A north arrow and scale
  • An accurate plan of the entire property drawn to scale, including all lot dimensions
  • Location and size of existing buildings/structures, including setbacks and yard distances
  • Location and size of proposed buildings/structures, including setbacks and yard distances
  • Location of area for existing and proposed septic system and well
  • Location and dimensions of access driveways
  • Locations of existing right-of-ways or easements
  • Location of existing and proposed vegetation

An Application for a Minor Variance is reviewed by the Committee of Adjustment at a public hearing. The Committee considers the merits of the application to determine if the proposal is in conformity with the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law, is appropriate development of the land and is minor in nature. Applicants or authorized agents are encouraged to attend and any interested person may attend. The Planning Act requires that property owners within 60 meters of the subject property be given notice of any application for consent.

The decision, whether approved or denied, shall be in writing and set out the reasons for the decision. A decision of the Committee of Adjustment can be appealed within twenty (20) days of the date of the decision.